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Chinese-English Menu for Visitors

  Chinese  Dish


            English Translation and Description


wu cai la pi 

cold dish with glass noodles and veggies


ban hua cai

cold dish; carrots, cucumbers, peanuts, etc in vinegar and hot sauce


guo bao rou

sweet and sour pork


tang cu li ji

sweet and sour lean pork pieces


yu xiang rou si

“fish smelling pork”; no relationship to fish, a little spicy with some veggies


gong bao rou ding

spicy pork usu peanuts & carrots


jing jiang rou si

saucy meat on a bed of Chinese onions


pai gu

ribs (come in a variety of styles) 


shui zhu rou pian

Sichuan specialty; pork in a spicy soup base with some greens


gong bao ji ding

spicy chicken peanuts & carrots

地三鲜di san xianpotatoes, green peppers and eggplant
青椒土豆片qing jiao tu dou piangreen peppers and potatoes stir-fried
烧芸豆shao yun doufried green beans
木须柿子mu xu shi ziegg and tomato wedges stir- fried
木须瓜片mu xu gua pianegg and cucumber slices stir- fried
鱼香茄条yu xiang qie tiaofish smelling eggplant strips; see above
铁板牛肉tie ban niu roubeef and onions on a sizzling skillet
干煸牛肉丝gan bian niu rou sifried, crispy beef strips; spicy
咖哩牛肉ga li niu roucurry beef
孜然牛肉zi ran niu roudeep fried beef with cumin
黑胡椒牛肉hei hu jiao niu roublack pepper beef
红烧牛肉hong shao niu roubeef braised in brown sauce
雪棉豆沙xue mian dou shacake balls with red bean paste filling
拔丝地瓜ba si di guahot candied (caramelized) sweet potato
铁板牛肉tie ban niu roubeef and onions on a sizzling skillet
麻婆豆腐ma po dou futofu chunks in spicy sauce
米饭mi fanwhite rice
蛋炒饭dan chao fanegg-fried rice
水饺shui jiaoboiled Chinese ravioli
馒头man touChinese steamed bread
牛肉面niu rou miannoodles with beef pieces and
蛋炒面dan chao mianegg-fried noodles
结帐jie zhangask for the bill

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